6 hours ago


(just made her because she was on my dream lol)

Also thinking about new series

"you may think she's infected by ink like last time with some old cartoon but no, this is black oil, also what humans called "oilonas", a company called "oxrey doly" a group of people trap these oilonas until they die and use their oil to make money, researchers found out oilonas attacks through opening oil floor grabbing their prey and what's inside is ruined with spikes around, and any human inside would notice they can't breath inside and any sudden grab can get them off guard and finish them off easily, they also noticed that oilonas can infect humans, however the infection can kill the humans if they are weak which how oilonas kill their pray"

A kid named dave, dave is a quiet kid in high school who hates how humans just "trap" instead of "fighting" oilonas, his family tries to prove him wrong but him being in high school with high knowledge, his words seems more convinced, he had a history exam about "what do you think about oxrey doly and confess why"

Dave made his (and you already know what he confess)

All people boo'd at dave thinking he's stupid and don't know anything

He felt angry at them, but he knows there no point on outburst on them so he went quiet, once home, his parents decided to make him do the dishes as they are busy at their work since he's being on the room all the time

Dave start washing the dishes ever since they left, there so much and would take a while, only few minutes, he noticed a black oil on the floor which seems to be getting bigger, he quickly went to his room and grab his hand-made bat and went back, he waits for anything to come, only for a hand grabs his leg and grabbed him inside, then he saw the oilonas (which is mia btw) her expression looks bored, he can tell he wasn't the first victim, but he wasn't scared, he have a weapon and ready to fight

After a fight he manage to take her down, only to realize he's almost out of breath, he tried to exit only to faint out of breath

Waking up seeing himself on place which looks like a bedroom, there oils filled around the room though, which the same oilonas looking at him, he immediately stands up with frightened pose, only for the the oilonas to show him being infected by using a mirror

The oilonas start speaking: "you even survived the infection, i'm mia by the way"

Dave: "where am i?"

Mia: "you are in my room, and don't be surprised being infected you are not the only one who were fighting back"

Dave: "wait you look familiar-"

Mia: "the girl who was in corner that people believed she acts like a cat? Yeah that's me"

Dave: "but you were a human!"

Mia: "oilonas can disguise but not for too long which why i usually ask to go to the bathroom"

Dave: "oh..."

Off topic: there will be another infected girl but i think it's too long to say all of that :/

1 comment


Next up

Siblings comfort

(ft. Mark and sandy)

Who wants Pfp match as sandy?

Now what's on the shop?

(second image is off topic)


I keep getting some recommendtions related to it

So... I may aswell watch all the episode

Okay time to give you guys a free change of appearance,

Draw stuff on this image if you think it could be better.

Repost if you think it's cool the way it's.

Other than that,

Ignore if you want.


(new oc and you probably saw that before)

It's been a month since last time my posts got featured lol

Mike thought he's on cartoon

Yeah uh

Decided to make the body of murder drones oc after watching full episodes (WHY THINGS I IGNORE TURNS OUT TO BE GOOD )

And i changed some personality so forget the last post

What do you think i should name her?

Some sketch i made during school