Project yor pase 1 (official) paused

9 months ago

Mida stage by @Pikelwu7014

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I'm gona remade tis game beacos the game as need code and new art beacos I don't very like the art and code tank you

Just I need a pixel art artist

Voice actor

All first project yor follow look tis and say ooooooo yea

Happy birthday shadow night!! Repost

Hi, I was gonna make a coso remake but I'm scrapping the coso characters with original ones for the sake of originality.

The story is TOO good to have coso and co as the characters of the game....

Anyway here's the cosho model I'd use for the game lol.

Mida Mechanic for demo

Here's more cos stuff

He'd have some minor face expressions to make him feel a bit less stiff on his face

New caracter

Dinner room cam leak art by @ZollewIsback

A random comic I made for humor.