4 years ago

millie in ultra custom night

narrator: ballora went up the elevator and went into the parts and service room


narrator: she burst into the room to find millie tied up with all the various forms of william around her (springtrap,purpleguy,scraptrap,malhare,glitchtrap,games springtrap,dark springtrap,and toxic springtrap)

springtrap: well well if it isn't martha, cticking her nose where it dosen't belong

scraptrap: again

narrator: they all chuckled at that line

millie: martha?

springtrap: oh you never told her?

ballora: she does not need to know

springtrap: well little girl me and "ballora" were not always like this

scraptrap: we used to be human

purpleguy: hell we were even married

springtrap: of course back then we went by different names, mine was william, and hers was martha

toxic springtrap: of course we got into some naughty business involving the very robots that inhabit this building

games springtrap: then one day martha walked in at a bad time

dark springtrap: I was calibrating the claw mechanism on ba--

ballora: you know what it really is

springtrap: yes we do, it was very dangerous and deadly

ballora: the funtimes were never meant to entertain

springtrap: of course you weren't meant to know about it WOMAN!

scraptrap: she knew too much

purpleguy: suddenly "by accident" the ballora animatronic activated and killed martha

dark springtrap: at least that's what the police report said

narrator: another collective snicker

springtrap: martha's remnant went on to posses the ballora animatronic and no matter how many times she was scooped and rebuilt she'd always ALWAYS come back the same way

ballora: and now were here, because of what YOU did

springtrap: whatever

ballora: what do want with her anyway

springtrap: we have some urges that cannot wait any longer

dark sprintrap: its been to long since we saw someone bleed

ballora: save your urges for the night shift

springtrap: what is the point of a victim that never dies, I need to feel something dammit

millie: wait? what's the night shift

purpleguy: wow and I thought we were liars

scraptrap: did you tell her anything

springtrap: you know why fredbear put you on a strict curfew? because from 12 AM to 6 AM my former self is placed in the front office and all us animatroincs get a nightly chance to satisfy our murderous urges on someone almost all of us hate

toxic springtrap: even ballora is guilty of this

games springtrap: hell she killed the guy last night, boy was it bloody

millie: is...is this true

ballora: I'm nowhere near proud of it...but yes

millie: you never thougth about....me that way did you

ballora: n--

sprigtrap: OF COURSE SHE DID! I designed her that way, you want to know why you get so much free time? its because ballora and the rest of us have to refrain from biting your tiny head off

scraptrap: but our patience grows weary and we must get our urges out of the way

narrator: toxic springtrap and games springtrap grabbed ballora and held her back, springtrap then grabbed a pipe from the wall

springtrap:its like the 80's all over again



narrator: purpleguy, scraptrap and dark springtrap ran towards fredbear as springtrap struck millie with his pipe over and over, the noise attracted the attention of freddy, adventure withered foxy and springbonnie, who fought off the various springtrap's as frdbear tore the original springtrap off of millie

fredbear: springbonnie, get a mob together and lock them up in the basement, I'll decide their punishment later

narrator: fredbear then took millie and started to walk downstairs

ballora: let me see. is she okay?

fredbear: I cannot tell, do me a favor and get adventure chica we must hope her healing abilities will get her back to health

ballora: got it

fredbear: as for you adventure withered foxy I must reward you for you're help

adventure foxy: could ye disable the camera flashlight during the night shift to give me an edge

fredbear: something within reason

adventure withered foxy: I'll think o something




Next up

So people have been sharing this around

My thoughts

Lucky for me no one comments on my posts anyway so I'm pretty much immune to posts like these

hell's hooligans rebooted

betty que origin

Doraemon Animatronic

so idecided to remake my nerf TF2 showcase. i decided i'm going to do the classes in order this time so we're starting with the scout

Devlog (September 2024): What the game is coming to.

So in my original spy post (link here https://gamejolt.com/p/alright-time-for-the-next-part-if-my-nerf…) I mentioned that I made a specific video for the loose launcher and here it is. Let me know if you want one for LA roulette

I have ascended

I just beat Cynthia for the first time and I'm so proud of my team