6 years ago

MindSeize survey - Help us out and win awesome prizes:)

We want to make MindSeize as good as possible and you can help us by answering our survey. It will only take a minute and by participating and leaving your e-mail address you can win great MindSeize related prizes. The survey will be open until 11.59pm UTC, August 31st.

After the survey ends, we will randomly pick three lucky winners for the following prizes:

1x Special package that contains 3 digital copies of MindSeize, digital artbook and your name in the end credits. You also get to design an enemy together with the developers.
2x Digital copies of MindSeize

Oh and as it’s Robot Friday, here is a rendition of Annihilator Unit from our intern.


Thanks and good luck!
Kamina Dimension Crew



Next up

Concept Art Blast!

MindSeize is 50% off!

Halloween sale time! MindSeize is 55% off;)

Also updated to version 1.3.2.

MindSeize is on Kickstarter!

Quick patch to fix few bugs + 2 quick gameplay improvements

MindSeize is available on Game Jolt!

We have a winner for the Landing Gear survey and here's the in-game sprite as well:) This will be the default color scheme, but we will see if it would be possible to include a possibility for player to customize the colors as they want. Cheers!

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend

We are under attack!

I have added rewards for quests so that villagers can give you something in return for your hard work helping them. 🥳

I want to know - what's your favourite quest reward?