24 days ago


Heya i going to make a show call Sam diner! If you want to help then here are the stuff

Animator: none

Voice acters: Yor dev as phone guy [closed]

Ideas: bigboyjon8123123455

Writer: none

Character are allow to be: Guy man[taken] sleepy boy [open] Happy girl [open] matt [open] creepy face [open]

Owner character: Sam

If you want to help then ask me oh right i forgot

Teaser image: @Pumpkin_Ortensia / yor dev

Trailer animator:@Pumpkin_Ortensia

Artist: @ERR423



Next up

Part 3 i think



Yes you can remake this you know

I made a funny bfb oc or idk you can add him in show i dont care so yeah

Name: Sam [you already know]

Male: yes

Has a show?: no

Fan art yes

Normal gameplay guys!1!1!1

[Bad ending be like:]

I found this bug in final night

Haha yez

Guys i think i got the wrong job-


Part 1

Haha yez

[You can reamke this idk i am bored]


Heya i made this! You can put your image here! If you want welp so here is it!