The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
6 years ago

'Monthly' Update Post #10 - Demo Release Date

Hello Everyone, I’m cutting right to the chase.
Demo progress:
For the past 2-3 weeks I have been fixing bugs and glitches for the Demo, as well as adding things and having my great beta tester and voice actor, Gigabyte66, test the game and give me helpful tips and suggestions.
Because of his great testing, and vigorous bug fixing, the demo is finally ready, with (hopefully) barely any glitches.

This Post will be a rather short one, as there is not much to discuss other than the demo’s completion.
So without any further ado, one last teaser before the Demo releases.


Thank you all for your patience.
Until Then,

  • Josh

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Next up


BOOM! Another blog post!

Just some gameplay screenshots to keep the hype train fueled ;)

Coming Soon...

Five Nights at Treasure Island: Origin Story Announcement!

New blog post!

This is What NIGHTMARES are Made of...


Development Update 2: Remade the Animations for the Menu Screen to make it Smoother.