The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
5 years ago

'Monthly' Update Post #18

Heyo Everyone, back for another Monthly Update post. This one will be alot more lackluster than others, since I am at the point in development where everything is ready, and I just have to wait fro the assets I need.

10 PM-4 AM:
10 PM-4 AM is completely ready. It is bug tested, regularly tested, and 100% possible. I spent a while testing all of the hours, and I finally feel ready to focus on the last part of development.

5 AM:

5 AM has taken probably the longest out of all of the hours to code, since it was reworked and remade entirely a bunch of different times. Thankfully though, I landed on the version of the hour that I wanted, and I spent the last 3 months working on it. The gameplay and AI are both fully implemented, and after I make sure it's possible, all of the gameplay aspects of the game will be fully finished. It's taken such a long time and I hope you guys haven't gotten tired of waiting for over a year.

What is left?

Currently, all that is left for this game before I am fully ready to release it is something that isn't exactly in my control. For the last hour of the game, there will be cutscenes before and after you beat the hour. Those cutscenes are voice acted, and the voice actors have been emailed and are currently working on getting the lines. The issue is, some of them are on vacation. They are keeping me updated on their situation, and I thank them for it, and once I get all of the audio that I need I will be able to edit them all together and put them in the game. Once that is done, almost every part of the game will be fully ready!

One Last Thank You

Before I go today, I just want to give everyone who has followed this game a big thank you. I know it has taken a long time, and I know that it's mostly my fault, but I have to thank all of you for keeping up with these updates, and still being excited for this game. It's an hounor to have all of these people wanting to play my game, and I wouldn't be half as inspired to continue if it weren't for you guys. So thank you all for following this game's long development, and Until Next time,

  • Josh



Next up

Development Update 2: Remade the Animations for the Menu Screen to make it Smoother.

Coming Soon...

Just some gameplay screenshots to keep the hype train fueled ;)

New blog post!

BOOM! Another blog post!

New Role Players Chapter + Blog Post!

New Game Icon

new Role Players chapter and blog post!

(Finally) New blog post and website update!