The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
7 years ago

'Monthly' Update Post #3

Hello peeps.
It’s been almost a month since my last post, and finally, I have progress made!
It’s been made clear to me that my old modeler had given up on the project, so I had to move on from them, and so I decided to make the models needed for the game myself.
It’s a lot easier than I thought it would be, so I’m happy that I decided to do this! Now onto some topics.
Start of Concept Phase:
This game has been constantly in the back of my mind while I worked on the updates to Disney Land, so I have been busy making concepts for characters, and gameplay. It’s too early to tell when the concept phase will be over, although it may take a while, as I need to flesh out all ideas that come to my mind for this game.
Character Model Progress:
When I had a modeler doing my work, only 1 out of the 7 models I needed were done within 3 months. Now that I have started them myself, 2-3 out of the 7 are done, with the harder models coming to the forefront now. It will take a while, however it is possible, and I will finish these models.
Final Report:
This game will be my last return to fangames, and I will be moving on after it releases. Not sure when that will be, but it’s exciting to think about. Anyways, this has been a blast so far to develop, and I hope that I can give you all something to talk about soon! In the meantime, it’s Teaser Time!

Until Next Time,

  • Josh

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