The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
6 years ago

'Monthly' Update Post #4 + Important Announcement

Hey guys, it’s me again.
It’s time for another update, and today, I’ve actually got stuff to talk about!
Ever since I started making the models for this game myself, progress on them has been moving very swiftly along! I currently have 6 out of the 8 models completed! After the models are done, I can move onto gameplay mechanics and other interesting goodies.
Concept Phase:
In development of my games, the first phase of making them is called the ‘concept phase’ where I make concepts for the game and flesh them out until I have a clear idea of what I want to make. So far for this game, I have been busily working on concepts and ideas, and I can’t wait to be able to show them to you. For now though, that’s most of the work being done currently.
Interesting Goodies:
I’ll be straight with you all. This game is barely a fnaf fangame anymore.
When I say that I don’t mean that I’m going to start selling the game and capitalize on it’s fame, I’m just saying that with all the concepts and original ideas going into this game, I barely classify it as a fangame, although it will always be classifies as one and it will always be free. This leads me into my last point of the day.
As I just said, this game is barely a fnaf fangame anymore, and with that, I want to make a change. Specifically, to the game’s name. It’s always been bugging me that,

  1. The game is ONE night, so the first half of the name makes no sense.

  2. The ‘Before Disney’ part at the end isn’t even important to anything, it’s just something I added at the end of the name because a friend warned me that the name was too generic.

So this is where you guys come in.
There is a strawpoll right here >
Vote on a name change and the highest voted choice will be the final name of this game, so please choose wisely.

There won’t be a teaser this time as I’m too focused on concepts and finishing up the models, so until next time,

  • Josh

EDIT: Vote on the poll please.

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New blog post!

Coming Soon...

This is What NIGHTMARES are Made of...

Just some gameplay screenshots to keep the hype train fueled ;)

Five Nights at Treasure Island: Origin Story Announcement!

Development Update 2: Remade the Animations for the Menu Screen to make it Smoother.



BOOM! Another blog post!