The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
6 years ago

'Monthly' Update Post #5

Hey Peeps,
It’s me again, back at it again with another ‘monthly’ update.
I’ve got some good stuff to cover, so let’s get t it!
Coding Progress:
The game’s coding phase has been a little rough around the edges, as it just started, however things are going slightly smoother now, with Mickey and Minnie’s central mechanics added to the game. All of the rooms have been coded in as well, so the free roam aspect is ‘finished’ as well.
New Ideas:
I’ve been getting some good ideas for things in the game, like the game over ‘screen’, mechanic changes for some of the suits, and most importantly for the final hour of the game. This game is going to be pretty large in scale, so be prepared for some things never seen before in a fnaf fangame.
Voice Actors:
This one is important. In a short time from now I will be looking for voice actors for this game. There will be a lot of roles for characters of all different kinds of genders, so everyone will have an opportunity to be in this game!

That’s all I’ve got for now. This game is shaping up to be my largest project, and I’m looking forward to being able to show off more of this game. But of course,
Until Next Time, I’ve got a special image for you all today. It’s an actual gameplay image! (take it with a grain of salt, some things may not be final)

  • Josh



Next up

Development Update 2: Remade the Animations for the Menu Screen to make it Smoother.

Coming Soon...

New blog post!



Five Nights at Treasure Island: Origin Story Announcement!

BOOM! Another blog post!

New Game Icon

Just Gonna Confirm This Now ;)