The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
6 years ago

'Monthly' Update Post #6

Hey guys, I’m back once again to share some more news. This one’s a bit lackluster, but I’ll get to why in a second.
Core Gameplay Progress:
This one’s on the lackluster side. I haven’t gotten much time to actually work and put my full effort into the gameplay side of this game, with school-work and other issues popping up, but I will try my hardest to try and get as much done as I can. I have gotten some small things done, and to my disappointment, for the time being, one of the characters is being scrapped, unless I can figure out a good mechanic for him.
Secondary Gameplay Section:
As I mentioned in my last post, this game is unique as it will have a new way of showing off death. Instead of a standard game over screen, there will be an entire section to get through in order to try again from your last ‘checkpoint.’ I won’t reveal too much, but I can say that you will have to navigate your way through a maze in a given time limit to keep your save. Otherwise you will be set back by one hour previous to your last save. It isn’t too unforgiving, but this game will not be a walk in the park.
Voice acting update:
It’s been 2 weeks since I asked you all to try out for roles in this game, and there is only 2 and a half weeks left to audition. There are multiple roles for both genders so if you want to try out for any role just go to this link - and try out!

That’s about it for now. I’ll try my best to get more done for the next update, but I can sadly make no guarantees.
Until Next Time,

  • Josh

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