The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
6 years ago

'Monthly' Update Post #7 - Getting Things Done!

Hey guys, what’s up.
I’m here once again for another update post, and these get more and ore fun to write, because I’m actually getting stuff done, so let’s get started!
Main Gameplay:
There’s been a lot of progress for the main gameplay. From AI getting finished to audio being added to Voice Actors contributing their voices for it, things are going great! The first 7 hours are getting finished very quickly, and testing has begun for the first 2. Once they are done, a demo may be released! On the flipside though, progress on 5 AM is kind of at a halt right now, with focus going mainly towards the main game for right now. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t progress going into it, it’s just at a slower speed that the other hours.
Voice Actors:
There’s not much in terms of new content for the VCs, not until the child voices are chosen, but I can say that almost half of the voices have been finished, and are being edited together as we speak!
Secret Stuff:
There’s a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that you all don’t know about, but it’s some really great stuff. ;) I’ve gotten in contact with a great animator, a great artist, and a great pixel artist, and they’re all giving some great work for this project, and I can’t wait to show off more of their work! I can’t tell you all specifically what they are doing however, we’ve got a new kind of teaser this time around. ;)
Until Next Time,

  • Josh



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New blog post!

Just some gameplay screenshots to keep the hype train fueled ;)

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This is What NIGHTMARES are Made of...


BOOM! Another blog post!

Development Update 2: Remade the Animations for the Menu Screen to make it Smoother.


Just Gonna Confirm This Now ;)