The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
6 years ago

'Monthly' Update Post #8 - "Finally getting big things finished" + Giant Announcement!

Hey guys, what is up.
It’s time for another Monthly Update post, and this time, one that’s actually Monthly! So let’s get started.
Main Gameplay:
There has been some progress done for the main part of the game, mainly focusing on the voice work and polishing done, however I can finally say that after all of this time, I am finally working on jumpscares! It’s been some time since I’ve animated a jumpscare, however after about a month I think I’ve gotten my style back, and I’ve animated Mickey’s jumpscare, and I am a big fan of how it looks! You can check the bottom of the post to see it ingame. Besides that , I have the ‘calls’ for 10 PM and 11 PM done, and I have the ‘phone guy’ recording 12 AM, and they sound great so far, kudos to him.
Secondary Gameplay:
I have been spending the past 2 weeks working on a very special section of the game that I am really proud of, and it is nearly finished! Once it is done I will hopefully be able to show it off more, but for right now, all I can say is that it is a large difference from the main gameplay.
Now for something I have been really excited to share. This is going to be a really big announcement, so I hope you are ready.
There will be DEMO of the game coming this summer!
Yes, after all of this wait, there will be something playable for the game that will be out this summer! It will include the first 3 hours of the game, and will be a big moment for this game.
I will probably make a trailer for the game to reveal the release date when I have one, but I cannot wait to see how you guys will like it!

Until Then,

  • Josh

(btw there’s some more gameplay screenshots too)

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Next up

BOOM! Another blog post!

New blog post!

Just some gameplay screenshots to keep the hype train fueled ;)

Just Gonna Confirm This Now ;)

Development Update 2: Remade the Animations for the Menu Screen to make it Smoother.

This is What NIGHTMARES are Made of...



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