2 years ago

more chapters finally. all credit goes to Lazy Kermit again

Dust chapter 7

The boy wakes up like any other day and walks around the place not knowing where or why he was there in the first place all he knows is that he is stuck there until the end of his life wishing he could leave the boy has a wood block in his hand ready for what he does best. The boy runs to one of the gray people and hits them the boy still hitting the gray person. The boy all in blood runs to the new room he found lost but thinking there is a way out he tries to break through walls. The boy does so and finds 40 different rooms. Once the 30 different gray people try to get him the boy lays on the floor of the 34 room he found he finds an axe he leaves it and runs to a bed and sleeps to wake up again. 

Dust  chapter 8


The boy wakes up not in the dark alley he was in now in a strange place not the rooms he was in those rooms had nothing in them this room it was a hospital the boy had a name tag his name was Barry two people walk in the room they were doctors Barry had never seen a doctor only the gray people he had put in the grave so Barry did what he did with the windows he jumped out and ran with glass shards in his body. Soon Barry found a old home it had a bed it was broken but he had been on the floor for all his baby too teen life that he felt the cold floor that he was on but it was all the broken bed so he had to sleep with the feeling of the old floor when the boy woke up he sees a man that man was Nuz Wally’s great grandchild Jonny. A . Will a part of the Will family but when Barry tries to talk to Jonny, Johnny says nothing only small nods that Barry could not figure out by how dark the old home was. Jonny stays in the old home as Barry walks around the old home but when Barry goes back in the home he tries to pick up Jonny only to see that Jonny was not there to watch the kid only make him see true horror as that Johnny was dead and there was a book in himself that he took out in the old home as Barry was sleeping because it was so dark that Johnny could not see Barry sleeping. That night Barry only could think about  was why a man like Jonny would do such thing but Barry falls asleep only to wake up again.

Dust chapter 9


Barry wakes up to see a man in black with a hat that was white with a black line, the man took Barry to a coffee shop in New York that Barry and the man in black who his name is Allen they get two coffees and a cookie, as Barry eats Allen takes Barry to a old house it was Nuz. Wally they go in to see books all in blood the walls covered in the blood and a burger on a table with the words foot on the burger. After the search of the house Barry saying no words runs before Allen stabs him and Barry falls into a new world, Barry on the floor seeing a portal where he fell his snakes wrap Barry with bandages, as Barry gets up he walks to a door with a black goo opens to see the spider man so he jumps out but when he goes in he falls on his face.



“SPIDER MAN YOUR REAL “ yelling Barry 

Dust chapter 10



“SPIDER MAN “yelling Barry. But as he was yelling, he gets in another world it was dark and cold he sees a man in a white mask and a dark blue jump suit stands and he gets hit by a car Barry runs away so he won’t get hit by the car then Barry falls in to another  portal and falls into a dream like place but he can hear  something getting scratched, Barry couldn’t see a thing in the red dream so he runs to the sound and see Freddy Krueger Barry tries to run but goes in to a portal and lands next to a dumpster his snakes come back to him “ C and  J you back “ said Barry with a smile. Barry gets up and sees he is back in New York, but something feels wrong like a change was made. After walking around Barry sees that there was no one in the city but he sees one person he was not like Barry but with no hair not even with real arms


“ who are you and why are you here “ 

Dust chapter 11


Barry yells “who are you? “but the person says nothing , so Barry throws a rock at the person and it stops. Barry runs at the person and punches the person. Barry gets kicked by the person and Barry goes flying into a portal but takes the person with him. As they fall the person turns back time with Barry on his leg, they are back where Barry was about to punch the person as Barry goes to punch the person the person hits him first than kicks Barry to the portal. Barry falls in the portal and falls in a blocky world and Barry was blocky as well a new portal opens, and Barry runs in to find him self in a new world with the person. As the two teens fight, they see a monster made out of mud, rocks, and skulls. The person gets thrown to the monster and gets stuck. “TAKE THAT SUCKER “as Barry tries to get up. Then the monster turns into a clock than Barry falls asleep. 

Dust chapter 12


Barry wakes up to see the person with the clock “your awake get up before you die “Barry gets up and runs at the person “ DIE YOU ____” as Barry punches the person “ why are you hitting me “ saying the person as blood runs down his nose Barry just still standing “ HOW ARE YOU STANDING I BROKE YOU NOSE IT LOOKS LIKE A RAT ______ IT UP “ Barry saying that as he falls “ how weird that is, the kid is dead ” saying as the person walks away “ who are you and why are you here “ Barry said as he gets up “ I am a nobody or call me 0.2 “ 0.2 says as he gets on a motorcycle “ hop on “ saying as he starts it . Barry gets on with just a foot and 0.2 runs the motorcycle with Barry Holding on for his life “how do you have this bike “Barry saying as he holds on trying to get on the bike seat. As Barry gets on the seat hit gets hit by a cross and knocks out.

Dust chapter 13


Barry wakes up to see sand around him “what the why is there sand 0.2?  “ Barry says as he gets up

“So, you won’t be that weak I will give you a power no one will understand called the dust eyes in this world we are breaking all of reality” says 0.2

“So is that why there are the portals I fall in “says Barry 

“Yes, they are the reasons we must stop them from breaking our world “0.2 says as he starts to put a red dust around Barry. 0.2 “now let the dust be a part of you Barry.W. Henry “says 0.2 as he puts his hands up like if he was praying. “I don’t know what you are saying but ok mother______” yells Barry. Barry starts to feel the dust crawl on him like his snakes that are wrapped on his hands. After the dust goes on his skin, he is with 0.2 in the room of lies.

“it’s this place” says Barry

Dust chapter 14


Barry and 0.2 walks around the rooms to see that its not the same the rooms Barry found before and the room of lies was broken just a white void nothing there. They go to where Barry fell into the human world and see a bunch of sand “hmm try to bring the sand to the void with only your mind “0.2 said as he tries to turn back time “well ok if you say so “Barry said as he plays with a toy train. Barry puts his hands out and raises the dust “ what the ____how am I doing this “ Barry says in his head “ I put red sand in you blood Barry get used to long Mondays and short Fridays am I right Jude “ says 0.2 “ who is Jude and why are you talking to him “ says Barry as he makes a sand ball “ no you need to know Barry “ 0.2 two says as he looks state at you soul. After Barry made the ball of sand he throws the ball at 0.2 “let’s get out of here before we get lost ...they can you do that weird time thing “said Barry “well I mean hold out your hand “said 0.2 “ok “Barry says As he grabs 0.2 hand. 0.2 turns back time to when they first got in the rooms “ok let go “said 0.2 “if say so “ yells Barry . than they are back where they first in the rooms


“it’s this place” says Barry 

Dust chapter 15  


Barry and 0.2 get out of the rooms to see all of reality is breaking “WE MUST FIND A PORTAL NOW BARRY” yells 0.2. They run as the world breaks Barry still a human starts to get tired and falls on the floor. Barry thinking that 0.2 will leave him. Was surprise that 0.2 picked him up to run with him “I’m not letting you go until I’m gone Barry “0.2 said as he jumps into a portal. Barry and 0.2 falls on two different beds “what is this place 0.2” said Barry confused “how would I know this place it’s too dark to see where we are” said 0.2 they try to find another portal to go in but with how dark it was they hear sounds and people talking but when they find a door, they hear people talking about the realty that was breaking will soon be coming to threes. With the knowledge they make the door into a portal and jumps in. they fall in Japan when it was raining as they walk around Japan, they try to find a place to sleep but they had to sleep on the side walk but one man that spoke English said “hey you two you guys shouldn’t be out here ill take you to my home” said the man the boys go with the man. When they get to the home the boy sees nothing of what they were thinking the home was huge, but the man looked poor they had no idea of what to do so they go in   


“Make yourselves at home” said the man 

Dust chapter 16


Barry and 0.2 go in the house and see that the man was rich then the were thinking but when they went to the living room it was full of money on the wall “hmm a man like him I don’t think this is his house not one bit” said 0.2 with a wine glass n his hand “well this is Japan and his name is all over the house so I think this is his” said Barry as the two boys talk they hear a party upstairs so they go up to see the man had a pool part he would let the boys in to party “maybe we can stay for a bit Barry” said 0.2 yeah I think we can stay” said Barry for a long time they stayed with the man so long that he was like a dad to them but soon the boys leave the man to see him later dead by a man with a mask in red before leaving the man with the mask places a dragon mark on 0.2 that makes him kill anything and die soon but Barry moves on with 0.2 and they sleep next to the man in the house

“I won’t let you die “ said Barry 

Dust chapter 17


Barry and 0.2 wakes up to see a portal but not the man’s body in the house. As the boys say goodbye something comes out the portal “holy who are yall” says someone. The boys look at the person to see a teen like them with a gun and a mask like the man who killed the man who took the boys in like sons “that mask” said 0.2 “who are you” said 0.2 “me HA I’m Zack just call me Z.K “why are you here this place is a dump and no light and its all broken” said Z.K .Out of rage from the trash talk about the home 0.2 stabs Z.K with a knife “WHY YOU SICK __”0.2 yelled as he takes out the knife as Barry cleans the blood 0.2 goes in the portal .After Barry cleans the blood and hides the body and takes the mask to look at closer the boys falls in a town it was Red Den where Barry was the boys run around to find guns and food to last years “ this is all we need to survive till death” said 0.2

“well lets eat “ said Barry

Dust chapter 18


Barry and 0.2 were eating food and 0,2 see the masked person that killed the man who was a father to Barry and 0.2. The boys run and shoot at the masked who was surprised that the boys could ever have a gun in there hands “you boys know that I will get to you anyways do you” said the man in the mask “EAT SOME DIRT IF YOU CAN MASK HEAD” yelled 0.2 “ or eat this killer” says  Barry as he throws a grenade at the masked man “ fools you kids are KANT” said the masked man as he throws the grenade back to where 0.2 was and it exploded in front of Barry covering him in the blood of his friend and brother to him. Barry looking at 0.2’s dead body parts get taken by the masked man


“why did he have to die WHY “yelled Barry as he held back tears “ it was your fault Barry “ said the man. 

Dust chapter 19


Barry looking at his hands takes out a knife and runs at the man and stabs the man dead “why you dam child GET OFF ME” yelled the man as he bleeds out but Barry didn’t think that was enough so he smashed all the body to a dust “this is why you never kill because you end up dead and soon I will to so lets say a deal I live to be 100 and you get to be in a happier place then where you are going now” said Barry

The ghost of the man takes the deal and Barry lives longer than he would before. But as Barry hits his early adult years, he gets hit by a truck with milk in it, but Barry is still alive not knowing what he must go to be alive for his life to end. Years go flying by Barry now a broken man with nothing to live for. Now ready to die he is old and meets his old friend’s grave and dies happy with a knife in his chest only to be seen by him. Barry wakes up to be a kid but not with God or with anyone just in a world of his dreams like he was still alive but in his kid dream. As he walks around, he sees nothing but his life dreams and goals. Barry drops to where the masked man is but the masked man is in a chair in a dark room, but the masked man has some one next to him it was someone Barry knew but it was hard to make out who they were but as Barry walks to see the man Barry sees a dead 0.2 in his hands “What the why do you have his body you killed him” said Barry


“he is not dead not yet” said the masked man 

Dust chapter 20


Barry sees the masked man take the dead 0.2 body “YOUER THE MAN WHO KILLED HIM” yelled Barry as he runs to the masked man “but you are the kid who stayed there looking only to kill me for you to live longer” said the masked man “I only did it to bring him back for the dead, but you took him” said Barry but as the masked man was walking the dead 0.2 woke up and runs to Barry as they have been friends when they were teens now adults that run and they now work and die in a car crash. But on kid comes out of a portal and he was like Barry and 0.2 but mixed as a kid. The kid sees that he is in a graveyard the grave he was Infront of those graves were Barry and 0.2’s. The kid does not know what to do as he was just like them but in the corner of his eye he see the shadow of the masked man looking at the kid


“who am I” said the kid 

Dust chapter 21

A new beginning


The kid walks around the graveyard seeing people that he feels he knows but one grave he saw that he felt that person he knew was someone named Larry but the fact that name was on the grave that was broken. In fear that there was a ghost grabbing his arm the boy runs to a grave to find a small boys grave the grave had a picture that was his face but with the dust on the grave he tries to pull out the grave but falls in the grave. When he gets up, he sees no casket but a dead boy that looked just like the boy but as the boy looks at the dead boy the masked man takes the dirt from another grave to drop on the boy and the last face that boy sees is the masked man but when the boy tried to scream for help nothing came out just his mind playing a game with him a game that would kill him 

Dust chapter 22

Back from the ground


The boy wakes up still in the ground, but it was wet a soft not dirt but mud the boy could climb out. When the boy got out, he could not see well so he went as far away as he could with the remaining eyesight that he had. For a whole day he walked around the world he saw animals people who didn’t like him and some who tried to take him to a “better place” they said but the boy had one thing on his mind that was to find out who he was but the things he found were not a helpful to him but the one thing he took was a truck that he learned how to drive from a person who liked the boy and called him Toya so the boy said his name was Toya when he was 13 he went for a walk and not looking he walks in a portal to a different world a world where he meet’s two people he knew.

Dust chapter 23

A fight to a fright in the shadow


The boy with his bad eyesight saw 2 figures that he felt he knew. the 2 figures come to the boy and help him up the boy’s white eyes becomes blind and light in them because the masked man took over the boy. The boy punches both the 2 of the other boys the boy’s eyesight began to come back and sees that the 2 boys are Barry and 0.2 as kids the boy looks at Barry and 0.2 and sees the masked man behind, they so he run and with all his force he pulls his hand through the masked mans chest before he gets a punch to his guts that sent him flying. The boy hits a brick wall the masked man punches the boy though letting sewer water flow out the hole from the brick wall, but the boy did not stop his fight with the masked man he did as much damage he could to the man all his thoughts were to kill the man who buried him. But as time went on the boy stops to see that the man was dead, but his masked face was to be seen to see who the man was the boy looked and took the mask off the man. Toya looked at the man who was like an older him but such thing as time travel was not the thing, he that went in his mind only who and how is this person here at thing time. Barry and 0.2 look at Toya seeing only themselves “who are you and why are you here” said Barry as he took out a knife “I am both you Barry and you 0.2 or should I say Tab” said Touya with a smile that looked wrong with fire in his eyes “no one has ever called me that how do you know my name? “Said 0.2 with the same fire in his eyes. Toya turns his head to both and 0.2 runs at him but Toya with the same knife that Barry has cuts 0.2 as he walks to Barry. Both Barry and Toya fight with there knifes both cutting at the same place but when Barry looks at the cuts, he sees there are two cuts on different sides like Touya had a clone cutting different sides but there was only one Toya. When 0.2 ran at Touya he saw a shadow like figure just in the shape of Touya


“You both should not be alive” said Touya and the shadow. 

Dust chapter 25

The hunt begins


As time goes on the boys do not age as the time in the world has stop for all and as the days goes on the group named the eyes of the masked man and the boys get weapons to fight out but as they get close there is a deep feeling of horrors in the base the group had so the boys had to find another way to kill the main group leaders. Back at the hide out of the boys they think of ways to get to the main leaders “how will we get to the boss of this gang all we have is guns and swords” said Barry “we don’t just have that we have something that will burn the gang” said Touya then Touya breaks to open a chest that has rockets then Touya shows the boys that he can use fire the comes out his hands “oh we can win this war but we need an army so how will we get that” said 0.2 “that’s where I come in, in the rooms there are people I call gray people or the big boss” said Barry “ well I got the power to age people and time so we can win” said 0.2. days goes on and the boy first send off Touya to find where the main leaders and to know where all the guards will be altogether “ I found that when its 10:00 we must fly off the rockets to kill the guards I couldn’t find where the main leaders are but I found a another hide out its in a old store with a huge skull painted on it with guards in it about 20 so if we use my fire but I cant use it without burning the whole place so I need to just go” said Touya


“we send the rockets tomorrow and we send Touya we can win the war” said Barry 

Dust chapter 26

The fire of time


When 0.2 wakes up Barry and Touya are gone and there is a note telling 0.2 to send off the rockets at 10. So, when it comes to 10, 0.2 sends off the rockets at an old apartment where you could see the back side of the base of the eye of the masked man and when 0.2 got to the last rocket Barry called it off and that he killed 3 of the 4 and that Touya and him need to go to the other hideout also that he would be there to help. So, 0.2 got a small backpack to put the last rocket and a gun than he went to the hide. When 0.2 got to the hideout Barry was getting there so 0.2 saw a clothing store with a lot of hoodies so he went in to get the hoodies but when he got in some of the guards get 0.2 to the ground but what 0.2 also packed was a flash bang so when 0.2 got his backpack he took the gun and shoved one of the guards and shoots another than with the flash bang pulls and breaks off the pull than shove it in a wrapped hoodie than runs out with his backpack and Barry running in the apartment the place smell’s burnt and the two boys use everything to break the place as they do Touya says that he won’t be able to kill the last leader “what floor are you on Touya I have an idea” said 0.2 “I’m on the 9th floor what are you doing with Barry” said Touya “ saving you Touya also jump out a window when you hear a scream just do it” said Touya. So 0.2 let Barry break the apartment as he climbed a home and set up a rocket with a knife on it and when Barry screamed 0.2 shot the rocket and Touya jumped out the window that 0.2 shot at but when Touya took the knife and lit the rocket on fire and used the knife to slow his fall but Barry jumped out a different window and then a colorful mess of building and explosion and blood Barry grabbing on a bed falling from the apartment and landed on a houses roof and Touya safe on the ground running to get Barry and 0.2 seeing a sniper dot on him but he was to late to move “both of you Move to the hideout there’s a sniper I’m shot just run I can heal my wound “ said 0.2 as he heals the shot by using his time control to revers time to where he was healed than he took his gun to make a bloody mess as Barry and Touya run to the hide out. 0.2 ran out and shot the sniper as much he could and took his sniper than run to Barry and Touya. when they all were together, they sat on there chairs and there was a portal, and they go in to see they are in Japan where the man that let Barry and 0.2 stay until he was killed by the masked man, but they had won the masked man.


“The masked man has nothing to do with dream” said Barry

Dust chapter 27

A new enemy


The boys walks around Japan and see food and money that they got from nice old men they protect from snipers with their own snipers but when they run into another portal the boys are in a future like city running the boys get more guns and weapons and they see that there is poster for to join a group called the red of Touya Toom “well look at this there out for me I think we show these guys who’s the boss eh boys” said Touya “I guess that would be fun lets do it” said 0.2 “uhhh guys there’s a camera looking at us” said Barry “oh no that’s  not good” said Touya and 0.2 “we should run shouldn’t we” said Barry “ yep” said 0.2 The boys run as a car goes past them and Touya grabbed on “ oh god they took Touya” 0.2 said “ I’m good boy” said Touya as he stuck a C4 on the car then jumped off as he exploded the car with the gang members in it “that’s what I call a hit and run” said Touya Barry and 0.2 run to Touya and gang members run for them “ oh god I should run “ said Touya . The boys climbed on a building and shot 13 guys in hockey mask “it’s a good Friday that’s what I know” said 0.2 “ there’s some guys come up” said Barry “ leave that to me Barry” said Touya as he jumped lighting the guys on fire and stomped on a guy’s head to break his fall “I did it boys” said Touya as he lit a car on fire and the fire spreads Barry and 0.2 jump off the tall apartment to be taken by a plane with gang members in it “ oh shoot how did they get this low “ said Barry “ well we should shoot the engine and just hang on for deer life” said 0.2 “ good plan “ said Barry as he breaks off one of wing and they both fall Barry shoots where the pilot would be and after a minute the plane falls down  at there wing and they jump on it and 0.2 fly’s the plane up and Barry kills the gang people in the plane. They land in a  tall building Barry and 0.2 in the back of the plane with a exit the boys stuck Touya shoots off the back of the plane with a laser gun “ what in the world is this gun” said Touya. After the boys find a place to sleep they fall asleep.

Dust chapter 28

Life of hiding


The boys all wake up and they pack up and run with Touya as a bounty Barry and 0.2 have one now they run and see 3 trucks that pass by with the words “ find the fire” on it so the boys shoot the tiers on the trucks and they run to see the gang members are still alive and shoot the boys Barry gets shot and fell “oh shoot Barry got shot” said 0.2 “ ill take care of the guys back there just put your hand on the bullet” said Touya “just get back here in one piece” said 0.2 “got it man” said Touya as he ran. 0.2 runs with Barry reversing time on the wound on Barry as 02 does that Touya was beating down with half of the people in a battle ground “wow just 10 people oh I killed the other 10 this is still easy” said Touya. As Touya beats the life out of the 10 people in the but 0.2 ran into a Leader of the Red of Touya Toom “well,well,WELL look it here a friend of Touya TOOM well lets HAVE SOME FUN SHALL WE” said the leader as he took out a knife covered in blood “I think not Taka Toom or brother” said Touya as he shot his brother in the heart but Taka caught the bullet and dropped it “how back them you didn’t catch it how” said Touya as he was shot by Taka “no he's “ said Barry “ he’s dead like the rest of the leaders the gang is now mine” said Taka “why would you shoot your brother sick monster” 0.2 said as he skips time of the age of Taka slowly “I am a god not you kids I am a GOD” said Taka as he died dropping his hand gun


“wow that’s a bummer he’s dead not me tho take that Taka” said Touya    

Dust chapter 29

Coming to a play place


As the boy’s walk they see the life they lived is coming to its end longer than they wanted longer the different planets but when they go back to their hide out, they see its goes with a beach in its place with three chairs and sand kits for them to use. The boys sit and look at the ocean and get a bag over their heads and taken to the country of America where school shooter come to play and kid sit and stay in a corner and the boys stay in America 

1 comment


Next up

I wish for the ability to manifest 20 dollar bills whenever I want.

Flash low-key tweaking 😭 😭

Goodnight ladies, gentlemen, and arachnids, I shall see you once again tomorrow.

What tf am I doing awake 😭


(I’m allergic to pizza)

Not again 😭