The Ballad of Lone Phoenix
7 years ago

More Dialogue, More Story - Monday Lookahead

It’s Monday!

I’ll be doing more work on the dialogue and hashing out some more details for the story.

I’ll still be working on the back-end of the dialogue system, but I’ll also try to start transitioning to working on the the actual parts that you’ll see in the game.

Since this is sort of a short and simple post, here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the dialogue structure:


It may be a bit over-complicated, but I’m making sure to stuff as many features into the dialogue as possible.

Thank you for reading,
God bless



Next up

Day Night Cycle Timelapse

The Pond or Rose Ranch at sunrise


I should probably fix this...

Sitting Around

Dialogue Demo

Dialogue Concept Art

Eerily Peaceful

The Sawmill

Stepping into the Sunlight