18 hours ago

More planned characters (I know it's a lot, shut up)

Copy (Classified)

Jeff (Jeffy but saving grace AAAAAAAA)

Papyrus (Papyrus went too far)

I think that's finally it geez



Next up

I was spacing out and somehow made this silly guy

what in the goober destroyer 3000

This one's sillier

Billy the silly mwahaha

My honest reaction:

sorry for not uploading recently, but I have been making a new "Dead by Daylight" style game on roblox, an early alpha is out now, if you want to try it out


rate this model so far 1-10 (be honest)


Bet you can guess what this monster is based off of

blender textures are so goofy, in the model he's smiling...

End (Green Mountain)

Phase 1 model done

Transformation model W.I.P