1. "Skolas psihologa kabinets gluži kā otrās mājas": this lyrics is part of the rap break of "Adata un diegs" and this part of the song means so much to me because the english translation of this is "the school psychologist kabin is like a second home to me" and i just seem to resonate to it so much

  2. "Vai kāds vēl šeit klausas? Vai kāds mūs vēl dzird?": this is from the song "mēs turpināmies" and the translation of this is "Is anybody else still listening here? can anyone still hear us?" and the reason why this one means so much to me because it sort of reminds me of when i need help and i want to reach out, i just get scared and i live in the fear that no one would want to hear me out or listen or care.

  3. "Mēs būsim laternas vistumšākajā nakti": this is from "Laternas" and the translation is "we will be like lanterns in dark nights" and this seems to be really true for sudden lights because they were like lanterns in dark nights, when life was getting darker for me, sudden lights was the light that was there for me and it was helping me get through

  4. "Aijā aijā saldā miegā": this is from "Aijā" and the translation is a little tricky but as i remembered from how sudden lights described it, Aijā is a word in latvian lullabies and it is used to put a baby to sleep and saldā miegā means "sweet sleep" and so this means a lot to me because one, Aijā has helped me through more than any song had ever and this specific part of the song is the most special part of it.

  5. "Un es, uz brīdi aizmirstu, kā pienācis rīts": this is from "Gaisma (caur taviem matiem)" and it translated to "And i, forget for a moment, that the morning has come" and this one is meaningful to me because it reminds me of one day where i needed my mom the most in a school event, but she didnt come, and this part just reminds me of that because even though i did obviously meet her at home and she came to my school to hug me but that was the most emotional hug i had ever had and during that time, this song was playing through my headphones. at home i had also hugged her and i was of course listening to this song and then after all the emotional-ness of that day, before going to bed, i had texted the drummer of sudden lights that that day his music hit so hard with Gaisma (caur taviem matiem) and i thanked him for music that hits hard, that i can connect to and that can help me through the hardest moments ever. infact, after i had graduated last month, i had thanked him once again for an amazing year and whilst his music (spefically the song "Atpakaļ patīt") i was getting emotional and honestly, i could never think of something more beautiful than sudden lights



Next up

I sketched him onto an unsigned fieldtrip form

a painting ive made not so long ago

mārtiņa matīsa zemīte

My honest reaction when Latvia didn't qualify for the finals

i painted him

he also reposted to story

This is probably my favourite part of Eurovision this year

apparently, i painted this in 3-4 hours

Finally painted the rest of Sudden Lights