14 days ago


These two piss me off the most and especially the enderman if you don’t want me to look at you why would you teleport in front of me



Next up

Finally my last day of school is today. I may not see some of my friends ever again but at least the suffering is over….


Some cool pictures of the moon and some clouds I took


This isn’t a build but I got that new Minecraft anniversary cape.

I don’t have the time to post one of my builds gotta do it later

Celebrate Minecraft's 15th anniversary with these quests! Unlock a new background!

The game was first released to the public on May 17, 2009.

Check your quest log to start completing the quests!


These two are my favorite mascots it always puts a smile on my face when they pop up on my YouTube shorts fyp.

Minecraft's 15th anniversary is this Friday! 🤯

Quests celebrating the iconic game will pop into your quest log on Friday, so get ready to celebrate!

Yo guys I just got Minecraft story mode from my local library but I’ve got 14 days to finish it so gotta go fast!

Here’s some sonic fan art I made I tried making it Sonic x/uekawa style

English Estate

Built with @paintergigi & waspycraft


But I don’t even play fall guys like that.