26 days ago


(Lore articlesss)



Luxi is a mouse mostly comprised of frozen treats. Most of time she's bored and has mostly nothing to do aside from walking around and listening to music. Most of the time she's inside as to prevent herself from melting, but comes outside a lot during the Autumn and Winter. Sometimes she'll do something she enjoys, such as exploring abandoned buildings and going into places with rumors of dangerous things to prove no such thing.

She's 4 ft tall

Her age is 13


She grew up in a town in the mountains. She'd spend a lot of time hiking up the mountain to pass the time. One day when she came back from her weekly hike, she came back to an empty town, there were missing posters everywhere with familiar faces all over them. Beginning to panic she climbed down the mountain to try and find another place that keep her safe.

She still doesn't know what could have caused them to go missing and has plans to go up there and figure out what could have caused the town folks to go missing.


Listening to music

Exploring abandoned buildings

Going into Pixels arcade for an overnight challenge.

(And getting caught every time by Pixel)


Hot days

Random parties

One of the first people she met hours after she left her town was Frank.

Luxi is very agile and also very sneaky at times.

Luxi won't melt in room temperature, making her take longer to melt than snow or ice cream.

Luxi likes hanging out with Alice.

Luxi gets in fights with Tyler. (She hates him)




Next up


Rate my chair (Ignore the armless yib)


Very messy doodle of Paul :] Trying to study shape language with the body type of these characters ❗ I'll draw the rest soon hopefully!

Ps. Feel free to make assumptions about these characters (in my last post); it helps me develop them!

+ Velcro


✨|| Shark boy I made!

They're a gummy shark/dog hybrid yippie!


Made this funky elevator.

Prob not ganna be in that doors project but its a cool elevator.

Rooms can now despawn. The code is sloppy so I might have to redo it.

AHA THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1K FOLLOWERS BTW I just realized I haven't made a post about that JABDJWKK

