Mr Whiskers official Stickers concept coming tomorrow.
Only Discord. I wish at least 1 was for @GameJolt but maybe in the future it will happen. Stay tuned.
Next up
Interesting but my question is, will certain creators be treated differently rather than others, or we all have equal opportunities and merits. So at the end, its on us how good things will go. Im just curious if any specific creator is having priority.
Do you think having metal fence stripes worth having or better without?
Bonnie and Chica on Hallways cameras - WIP. Still alot of things need to be changed to improve overall quality but we are getting close.
My sticker pack is available NOW!
Some other improvements, posters and news paper on the wall. Temporary one, for the final version i will make an original one cooler. WIP
Another screenshot from the game, this time fence is on our side and slightly brighter. How is it?
Welcome to the new official "Whiskers" - Definitive Edition page! JOIN US!
Almost done with Bonnies camera on the left. What next would u want to see me making next?