7 years ago

Multiple endings on Trago

One of the main concepts of Trago was to create a great twist that catches the player attention. We start the game thinking about this moment, the last minutes of life of Juca, a normal guy who just wants to drink some shots and forget about his troubles.


Since the beggining we knew how it going to happen, but we didn’t knew why. After our first version in a GGJ, I started to develop the story thinking about this question:

Why our main character died so tragically?

Of course you will have to play to discover this answer. In mid-2016, we opened a demo here in Gamejolt for those who wanted to test the game. The main goal of the game was always based on multiple endings. At that time, the game had two different ones, the tragic one, and the one where you escape from the tragedy.

Trago was born with those endings, the main goal was always related with escape from the tragic one. After we’ve collected some feedbacks of the demo version, we decided to spend more time on the game, adding new endings inside our story. Today the game counts with five different endings, extending the goal of the game.




Next up

Trago Released Update #1 - Game blocking bug solved & more

Why choose early access?

Narrative game design on Trago!

Trago Early Access is out!

After the release, we just want to say thank you! :)

Trago Early Access Update # 3 - A dangerous bug could take you for a bad experience.

Trago Early Access Update #2

Prepare to drink A LOT: Trago's release date is already setup!

Trago Early Access Update #1

✶DID YOU KNOW?✶ TRAGO takes place in a Brazilian bar, and therefore, has its atmosphere built with references of this.