3 days ago

my apology for previous troll post (i will be donating to dragonsnow for dreadwalker research now i swear)



Next up

i own fairytale ty and the radsla crew now. i dont care anyone says . tHEY'RE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!111


(On the other side, we're starting up voice actor applications again! Come get your cat pictures for doing so!)


big things coming soon

Alright, fine—I'll do it. Let's do what Kaiju Paradise did with Trystan, user-submitted LTX creatures for our upcoming Changed fangame inspired by Outlast Trials.

The only rule; Must be an anthropomorphic animal/furry... Read article for more. Examples up

tried "copying" the together again minigame style for an experiment and i think it turned out worse than overworld john lmfao

i get up

#GJAsks my favorite platformer character!

should we allow the community to come up with their LTX creatures for that dreadwalker prequel so we can have an early enemy i think that would be hilarious

met @TylerAhlstrom today! (im the right dude), we got drunk and then talked about how cool if he gave me fairytale ty so i can make him my fursona

#trtf #thereturntofreddys #kriyastudio #kriyastudios