10 months ago

my bitch ass disgital arts teacher wants the class to draw someone with the style of cubism (where the drawing is made with cubes).

Bruh,i aint gonna do it. Weirdo teacher. Like you could have given us some other thing for us to draw but u choose family member portraits . Not a bad thing but i dont feel comfortable doing that,and showing the class some detail of how my family member looks.

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Uhm,Ik some people are sensitive to certain things and i wanna make sure. If u guys do play this chat would u want this kept in,or out?

https://gamejolt.com/p/i-like-this-photo-but-i-dont-like-the-ran… ok,i found a good one thats like this one but without the weird dust flying from his head =|

how about NO >=c.

electra heart kinsona

comm for @drretro / @filthydirteater

ohno,is he cleaning the rug w/ 002's blood? 😨

Throws this at you

Me when i realize its sunday:

*crying* Crown people makes me nervous bc clearly they're better at the game then i am

shavo but he's hatsune miku

Omg. My teachers are loud as shit. I need to finish the show bc i only have a few episodes left. Guess ill watch it this weekened or after school if im in the mood or if i dont forget.