"uhh..mark? are you there? ok then (clears throat) so mark, welcome to your overnigth job here at our warehouse! this place holds many props, items, and animatronics for a closed down restaurant chain known as the "showman's pizza place" so about the restaurant, the location opened in 1991 but sady closed down in 1998 due to the company not having enough money to keep the place running for much longer...but now we are looking for ways to re-open! and if you didn't know we used to have a previous guard that worked before you but just left us without a notice and it was pretty rude...whatever i-it doesn't matter
so about this nigthwatch position...you have this camera monitor that allows you to check around the cameras around the warehouse to watch over the place to like..make sure no one breaks in and stuff and we are also running on a high budget so some ligths are on for you to see!
and now: the animatronics, speaking of the animatronics...well uhmm..only a FEW of them of them were good enough to work after all these years of them just sitting here and collecting dust
but they aren't really working in the way they...SHOULD because the animatronics used to have this technology that makes them walk around but it was scrapped before the opening and for whatever reason rigth now they are sometimes seen walking around here along with a somewhat...AGRESSİVE and BLOODTHRİSTY behavior...but we just think it's a glitch in their systems but if they DO move around and SOMEHOW get into the office through those hallways on your left and rigth remember that there is a mask rigth under your desk sitting on a box, so if they come inside just grab it and put it over your face and they wouldn't recognize you as an intruder and they would just like leave you alone...anything did i- OH WAİT WAİT ACTUALLY, do you see that animatronic sitting infront of you? if she activates just pull that lever next to her that would activate a powerful shock and deactivate her, that doesn't mean it keeps her shut down permanately but slowly re-add the power to her
ok so uhhhh thats all for tonigth! just watch the cameras, put the mask on if you're in danger, use the shock lever if the animatronic infront of you starts activating
have a good nigth and i'll see you tomorow! i better go to sleep..."
(hangs up)
what do you think @ih-ihs ?