23 days ago

My country is at risk. The right wing party of the MR (Mouvement Réformateur) is currently high in the score. Belgium will be cooked if the right wins as I could be banned because of my autism. I hope the left party of the PS (Parti Socialiste) win...



Next up

That one time I tried making Omori from OMORI as a Disassembly Drone from Murder Drones.

I think I should remake it.

Hi guys. I made a video about Squad Busters, the new game by the creators of Clash Royale.

Watch here: https://youtu.be/QSs577FFbcg?si=7BZvOWaT2gDeFfsi

Download game here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.supercell.squa…

WIP art

Is this me or Gamejolt?

Bug: Left picture of the post not displaying while the right one displays correctly

Pics of my garden.

Left one taken in 50MP

Right one taken in 12MP

Can we get 30 likes on this post and 60 followers to get me to wear this pfp?

Here's Sarah. One of the many The Wrath of Mindmaster characters.

Vote on Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slammergaming0/sarah-artwell…

Each time I see bullsh*t on Twitter

Here's the first art to be featured on my art gallery.

Taylor Smith, a character joining the The Wrath of Mindmaster story.

View it on Newgrounds and vote for it: https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/slammergaming0/taylor-smith-…