Firework Fiesta
8 months ago

my dumbass accidentally deleted the game file so now I have to put back some things luckily i didn't do many things just the game jolt api things I can redo it maybe in 1 or 2 days



Next up

like that

theres the menu now i started to update it beacus before it was just those ugly variables what didnt even showed at records

this is an animation the security office, It is not the best btw

thats how it works

My new avatar i will probably wont use the first one but i think it looks cool without the suit too

Meet the pustule King backstory in comments

i found these in the files od the gamejolt client but idk where are they used at

is this better i moved the code and gived a texture and maked it position

wich lootbox background is better of course the code on the background and the picture is going to go through too the thing im thinking is the brickwall and the floor

I got a new youtube oc again cuz im incapable of doing anything and deleted the old one