1. Roblox is down...

    This was during the beginning of my GameJolt career and firesides as a whole. In case if you haven't noticed, a large kids game named Roblox has closed down for 3 days straight starting October 29th, 2021. And this is one of the most infamous Roblox shut downs since the app's existance. So I made a stream about this situation. For the most part I was checking the Roblox server status for when Roblox would eventually reopen at some point. While that, we had a lot of fun. We even played Gartic phone which gained a decent amount of players. The stream only had about 12 people in it which it's my highest stream viewer count ever. This shows that at least there's something else on the internet that can at least distract us from the worst Roblox shut down of the centry. I wish I was here before the fireside would burn out 10 misutes earlier, and I would have countinue the fireside if I didn't have school. But yeah, what a great time to be on GameJolt.

  2. animating "zaul the racist"

    This was a stream based on an unfortunate event that lead to drama, although not as big as the Henry H. Henry drama (really). For context visit my youtube video here: https://youtu.be/IMiPNg21A4g. On the stream I was pissed as hell to say the least (because Zaul Barraca race-swapped my oc). At the beginning of the stream I had like 4 people that came and supported me for what I'm going through. And As the title mentioned, I animated an exposing video which is now my 3rd most viewed animatron project (for my second account). The video takes a total of 2 hours and 6 minutes to complete according to my private screen recording. The initial goal is to create that exposing video before Zaul can even take a peek on the video. It was awfuly late at night which gave me a perfect amount of time. And thats how the masterpeice is made. Shout out to everyone who supported me during the development of the video and the people who viewed the video as well, especually the person who commented "black always lives matter". A true blm moment.

  3. I don't remember but its a fireside ft. SRB2

    So this is a fireside where I play Sonic Robo Blast 2. What's amazing about the fireside is my best friend @GabeHanks/@THGSGames and @Xx1mew1xX_Gjolt . Basically my best friends came to this fireside, and it was the first time in forever I can hear Gabe's voice since years ago. I coudn't really come up with another fireside I can think of but this is one of my favorites.

So yeah that's all I can say really. What are your favorite firesides you created?

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Next up

who is gonna design the animatronics (in sprite form of course)?

Super Pac-Man!

I did it!

Beta version is now released!

My original comic which actually works in practice.




overworld and player switch test (penguinmod)