11 hours ago

My favorite scary movie is The Ring. I've never had a movie actually scare me before, and this one did. I was practically strangling N, which is not normal for me, considering the fact we killed a creepy murder AI all by ourselves




Next up

Thumbnail for Reminisce by Zalundia but it's X and her human friend Vala. IDK I was out of things to draw

Vent art, I guess. Had a bad day and did this in only 30-ish minutes

Zalundia just dropped an epic new song called Carnage and as I was reading Max's backstory, I realized he and K would get along scarily well, so I decided to draw them together. It's all right, considering that I did it in a little over 30 minutes

Finally got Astreal done for @SuperiorS_nandm00n . Took me a little longer than expected because stupid life got in the way

Made a new OC based off of Pain76's song Yesterday Within The Memory. Her name is Shay

Still Feel Nothing (V's theme)

Tried to write a song for V this time, but I couldn't get Suno to sing it in a female voice, so I guess this works. Might revise it later if I can figure out how to give it a female voice... I don't know, bite me!

Broken Memories (Kayla's Theme)

My Halloween costume is going to be the main character in a show I just recently watched called Sweet Tooth named Gus. I'm really excited for it, considering the antlers I made took three days to 3D print, along with the ears.


Bored so I did this. Thought that Hard Reset by AuxCord fit Zadiya as a character after she found out V had killed her husband Killian. Her Solver activated after years of being unused, and she tore V apart, blaming her for taking Kenzie's father away

Finally got the music video done for Synthetic Shadows. That took way too long. Thanks for the lag, ClipChamp 🤬