Five Nights At TREASURE ISLAND 5.0 Remastered

1 month ago

my feelings about 5.0R




Next up

every thing in the page is so outdated that even this new render of the character prep 1 it's outdated, i love my live

1 - Tem mil tutoriais DE GRAÇA no youtube irmão, até brasileiro fez tutoriais pra programar e modelar

2 - injusto mesmo e você vender curso de algo que vc pode facilmente apenas pesquisar no youtube "Fnaf Clickteam Tutorial" e pronto, tu acha varios

We need YOU! to the VS Goober Arthur team!!

hey guys uh.. i gonna put 5.0 R in hiatus and here why

This is really sad, as a old friend of you, saymon, it's sad to see how you are nowadays, if you want to attack my friends, don't be a coward and come to our DMs to talk with us, instead of just blocking us and attacking us by our back.

i want to do something more with this mod instead of just Zero, this will be a short project that i'll call "Random Media Shot" this mod will have some random medias that ill do a song on it (when i'm not occupied with other projects) so uhh see you soon?

Compara a porra dos seus jogos com os da Radiance ai quero ver não ter competição

aprenda a fazer fangame boa ai vc pode opinar

a totally not a copy of that one popgoes evergreen teaser