5 months ago

My Grandma's Dog

I've had this nightmare multiple times, although I can't remember many details, the story is always the same:


It's late night, I arrive at my house with my parents, we don't make much noise, since other members of our family must have been asleep already. I go to turn on the light down the hall, through the pitch-black walls, no other light can be seen. A thunder's light illuminates the room at the end of the hall, the sound was so loud I could feel my ears bleeding. I shake in fear and close my eyes in pain, only to open them again and see a demon-like creature.

I can't move, I just stare at it. It was just like my grandma's dog. White fur, dark brown eyes... But it wasn't him. Its ears were replaced with something I couldn't recognize back then. Bells at the end of its 'ears' and nose, a giant smile, its face was deformed, like a mix of human and animal features, it looked demonic, its extremities were different, they had no fur and looked... Odd to say the least, I hadn't seen anything like that before.

I just watched in fear, I couldn't move, either scream. The creature just laughed.

Another thunder. This time it's light shone brighter. My family laid lifeless on the ground; I could barely recognize them...

I could see the creature's mouth covered in blood. It kept laughing, and laughing, and laughing... Each time louder, and louder.

I blinked, and the second I opened my eyes I saw it jump straight into me. In less than a second, I was on the ground, screaming my lungs out. It was eating my flesh, tearing my body into pieces, and it kept laughing.

I begged my parents for help, all I could see was my mother, laughing, a smile that looked uncanny, it wasn't human. I look back at the creature, just to see it laugh, as I slowly suffocated in my own blood.


Although it may sound like a dumb story, it always terrified me as a kid. I guess the part that terrifies me the most about this nightmare, is that when I wake up, I can still hear its laughter.



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( Strasburg Thomas )

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Oh... Okay...

ShowCat WIP!

Biz Tech. Inc & Biz Entertainment say:

Careful with the boxes!

so yah i drawing this art on myself for nothing

(oh shit 😑)
