2 years ago

My kinda-sorta Review on another lost fnafb game, this one based on Five Nights at Nintendoland that was made by me.

So this was a thing.

I once made a FNaFb game on Five Nights at Nintendoland.

The first thing I wanna mention is that the game was the game was... pretty fuckin' easy. For one thing, you could beat the first camera seen in the game at LEVEL 1. That's... I can't tell if that's Pathetic or Hilarious.

The other thing is that the game was pretty... low budget, if that makes sense? Like, the tilesets were litterally the standard RPG Maker Tilesets, with no edits to them.

The story is... a bit weird, as the game had Mario and the other Residents of Nintendoland trying to beat the shit out of the cameras and also beat the shit out of the nightgaurd. You're probably asking "Wait... why the fuck is there a nightgaurd in a fnafb game."

And to answer that... well, I thought I was being clever in adding a nightgaurd in this type of game, even if it wasn't a boss (which in this case he wasn't a boss, oddly enough).

After beating the shit outta the Nightgaurd, you'd think the game would be over, right?

Well, no. What happens next is the equivilent of a Random Dungeon that you'd normally find in a Normal FNaFb finale. The Difference is that, well, the person who owns the dungeon is a Bootleg Shrek. Yes, really. I did not stutter.

As for the why I did this? Well, something I didn't mention earlier; the enemies of the parts before the Dungeon where actually bootleg toys and crap. I wanted to make an explaination on why that is... which is kinda dumb ngl.

As for how it ended? Well, after fighting the bootleg shrek (*Cringing*) the game ends with i guess mario and the guys just kinda leave the dungeon supposedly? I dunno man.

Overall the game is interesting in concept, but in execution it's pretty cringe nae nae.




Next up

Remember that Camera Battler that I made?

I made it's brother

It's a motion activated camera

Imagine freddy finding out that exists... IF he hasn't already.

Meanwhile in an alternate dimension of an alternate timeline

900 members!

FNaFb will never die!

A FNaF1 Iceberg

Made by a friend and I

Mainly a friend but I did make berg template, they put it together

Also content warning, if you find something sus, and don't like it, this is your warning.

Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 3

Vampire OK Hand?


Posted this in a chat but uh



Plushtrap's Misadventure Devlog - 4

Yet another camera adjacent battler

He's angry

Flippin the bird