Together Again: A "Lake's Funland" Story
2 months ago

"My Name is Reagan"

"Hello Wisconsin" teaser as seen in TAALFS FAN ART PART 3.



Next up

I think of this song whenever I draw or hear Rachel, and I believe those who beat the whole game at 100% might understand why. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1C69fzfGBM&ab_channel=DorisDay-…


While I love Kosta Vesta's theories on the latest teasers, I've seen a LOT of shitty assumptions from other users who seem to not pay attention to any of the things I've said either here or on Twitter. So might as well debunk most of it, AGAIN.

Every shadow is a caution.

Thank you & Happy (Early) New Year!

This Comes From Inside.

Merry Christmas!

I'm really tempted to make a few short books for children (kinda) based on TAALFS, there's some ideas that could work perfectly, but I can't confirm anything yet.

Here's a couple of concept designs for book covers.

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

"Die in peace, your servants will do fine in your absence."