3 years ago

My opinion about the Scott Drama #IStandByScott

Well, I think everyone knows what I'm talking about, and I just really hate how this drama was even made up on the first place, for a really stupid reason.

Scott Cawthon may freely have his political believings, and that is not our business, he has his reasons to support (at least partly) the Republicans, and it's okay if he thinks like that, if you are not okay about his political believings, that's also okay, you're free to stop supporting Scott because of it.

Unfortunately, there's people who take this very personal and decided to not only leak his own personal donation data in which it was revealed he donated ~$44K to political campaigns, many of them to the Republicans, and since the Republicans are a right-wing party, they automatically think he completely supports them, thus making him a LGBTQ+-phobic person, while also those people took matters to a higher level by doxxing him and harass his family too.

Like I said before, he may have spent that money and maybe even voted for the Republicans by his own reasons and that's it, nothing should matter about it, there's no reason to attack a person who doesn't politically think like you, much less bring innocent people into this issue to harass them for this.

Scott has also worked with LGBTQ+ people, and also has donated ~$1.26M to various charity drives, most of them support LGBTQ+ rights, he and his family don't deserve all this harass they have got due to a simple misunderstanding, because it is one thing that you want the rights of LGBTQ+ people to be respected, but it is quite another thing to impose LGBTQ+ rights in an extremist way and for the slightest thing that someone does not agree with, it is more than enough reason to cancel him/her.

That's really much of a reason why I hate politics, because you won't politically exactly think like another person does, your political believings don't make you a better or worse person, and always remember this: No politician is perfect.

And sadly, this won't be the last time drama happens for this reason, or any other reason due to a different opinion and/or a misunderstanding, extremist people who take everything personal will never be missing around this topic.

If you want to know more info about Scott's response to this drama, go check this post he made on Reddit.

In addition, many people that are reading this wouldn't be here if FNaF never existed, we should be grateful to Scott for all his effort he has made to build an awesome community for the last 7 years, regardless of his political views, that's why #IStandByScott, otherwise I wouldn't be the person I am now, and I think most of the ones who are reading this neither. And the same applies for the ones who were part of the community in the past but left for any reason, FNaF was still a part of your life, and made you evolve in some way.

I really wouldn't want to see the FNaF community to be ending this way, it would be a shame if FNaF dies because of this, but I have hope the community will recover from this soon.


"What does not kill you makes you stronger"

-Friedrich Nietzche

Have a nice day, folks.

Cheers, TBK331 CompleXX


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