5 years ago

My Original Game (Page) is On Steam!

While the game isn't out yet, my new original game Color Soul: Memories is on Steam! It's been a dream of mine to get a game on Steam, so I'm super excited that it worked out to do so. If you use Steam a lot, I would really appreciate showing that new page some love! Link to that game page on Steam here. I'm am hoping to finish this original game by the end of the year, so if you want updates on its status, (a devlog for it went out just yesterday) then follow the Gamejolt page here! As much as I'd appreciate the support on my new game endeavor, I have to look back and thank you guys again for all the support on Dusttale. From all the downloads, to Youtube let's plays, to people telling me that this is their favorite fangame, it's been a wonderful, wonderful experience. I'm so blessed to have you guys. And your support keeps coming, even though the game has been out for a while now! You guys are amazing! Thank you :D



Next up

56% Off Color Soul: Memories Sale!!

Look, it's Undyne!

Another Screenshot Hey there! Sorry for not posting in a bit. Life has been a little busy with the end of school and all. But, I’m on summer break as of today! And despite being busy, I did work on the game more, so here’s another sneak peak!

Hotland Screenshot


Color Soul: Memories Free Demo!

New Original Game Demo Out Now!

The Core Screenshot

Official Dusttale Webcomic and 1 Million Views!

April Devlog! New Creature, Groundwork Laid, and Progress Made!