9 months ago

My own Spongebob creepypasta!


I live in a apartment with my brother, and during one evening he left for his holiday. It was somewhere during the summer. It was raining for the intire day. I got bored, so i decided to watch TV, and for some reason, when i turned it on it was on the Nickelodeon channel, i was trying to switch to some other channel, but the remote just won`t work, even if it worked FEW SECONDS AGO! I was frustrated! But then, i decided to just watch the Nickelodeon channel, i am bored after all. I watched it for what feels like 30 minutes, and then Spongebob started to air. And then during the intro, text on a black background appeared saying "KEEP WATCHING, DON`T YOU LIKE YOUR FAVOURITE SPONGE?" for a few seconds, but i just ignored it. And then the title card of the episode was shown immediatly, skipping the rest of the intro. The title card looked like the usual title card, and the title said "Void without the water", i thought that it was another one of these bad modern episodes, but the name was weird. It was already night, the beggining credits after that censored all of the names. It was very weird to me, but i didn`t really care. So, the episode began, it started with Spongebob walking out of his house, going to his job while saying "I`m ready!" repeatedly, just as he always does. THEN HE GOT HIT BY A BUS, and it cracked a laugh out of me! And after getting hit by that, he unrealisticly got lanched into the air, right into the window of the Krusty Krabs, starting already pretty great. Spongebob then moaned on the floor and Mr.Krabs, went up to Spongebob, and said "You own me $3000 for breaking that!" and then Spongebob replied "But, i don`t have this much money." and Mr.Krabs then KICKED HIM OUT OF THE AREA. For me, i thought this episode was already going to be bad. But, then Spongebob went to Sandy, and sneaked into her laboratory, and went to her cloning machine (which is apperantly a thing) and cloned himself into more then thousand sponges (i think), then he and his clones, started sucking all the water for the ocean into themselves, which worked. Do you remember these old gross-out moments from Spongebob? They do the same with the image i am about to describe, basically it showed all of the fish trying to breathe, and some of them started dying on screen. Do you know that there are a ton of robots in the spongebob universe, well then all of the Spongebob clones went and destroyed them all, then they broke into Sandy`s home, and sprayed all water inside, and one of them meanwhile slaugthered Plankton, but then because all of them let the water out of their organisms, they all fell on the ground, and i witnessed all of them die on the screen. I wasn`t scared, i was just shoked that they actually chose to do this! And then it cut to an emergency broadcast telling me, that there isn`t and there never was a thing called ocean, and that there was never a thing called rain or river, or even a drink. When i looked outside, i saw no rain, no puddles, nothing related to water, and i also didn`t see anything related to water in my house too. And then, i heard a knock on the door, and police sirens outside...



Next up

Guys, i have a theory for POST SHIFT 2.

Please i need help. How do i remove this from my Roblox Studio screen?

When you question about why animatronics in Playtime with Percy try to kill Nick:

( Strasburg Thomas )

Well, boys. We did it!

Sans art [Au by @Vinesoft ]

Wow, i never expected Nick from Playtime with Percy`s to be an actor.

The prequel for fnaf1 is called fnaf2, there is no reason for there to be number 2 you think, but in fnaf2 there are 2 versions of each character from the main cast. This can be intentional. Or at least if you undertand what i mean.

Oh... Okay...

How many?!