Plants Vs. Zombies Plot & Rot

3 months ago

My personal favorite...

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Next up

"He likes his bolts tight and his screws loose..."

New DEMO for Plants Vs. Zombies Plot & Rot, showcasing tough levels that contain a myriad of new content. Full update coming out soon!

How time flies...

P- #Lantern Doodle from PVZ 🧟‍♂️

Been having a PVZ phase so that's why :p

Progress may be slow in the coming days, but the update's release is on track for the end of February. In the meantime, Rustbolt tries to take a family reunion photo... there may be too many zombies for this.

More progress on the Player's House stage. btw PvZ CI gamepage exists now.

I've done what I should've done a long time ago...

My boy has been reborn.

i cant bel;ieve its actually rwels


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Who would win? The unending fury of the zombie horde, or one Plot & Rot mushy boi.