3 years ago

My Phobias....

Kinemortophobia....the fear of zombies

Acrophobia....the fear of heights

Coulrophobia....the fear of Clowns

claustrophobia....The fear of small spaces

Arachnophobia....the fear of spiders

Nyctophobia....the fear of the dark

thalassophobia....the fear of the ocean

I know I'm a Baby



Next up

okay since all of my FNaF servers have failed i'm gonna not do it- sorry to those who voted for it

v e c t o r

Spin the bottle....

this cat is poggers

Look what I just made!

when u hit ur elbow and toe too hard:

anyone wanna match pfps?

no words

this human will die (in a cool way)

b u f f h e l p y