Hello from XerStudios
Today I decided to release a $3 version of My Place that includes a lot more fun and big extra features.
This was made to help get the game on Steam like a donation and to support my newer projects for the future that will be free to play but here are the feature’s that this version includes
Debug mode
10 health challenge mode
Speedrun mode
Adds a secret boss battle
Allows you to test old test level’s
Allows you to choose over 200 level’s to play
Allows you to reset your save file at anytime
Allows you to play 12 unused interesting secrets in the game
Allows you to play 4 used secrets in the game
Allows you to play 8 unused maps
And a little thank you note in the readme file.
Now this is my first time selling an actual paid version of a game but I put a lot of effort to make this worth its money which goes towards the Steam version but I think it’s worth to step up the game a bit but to never cross the line too far meaning “overpriced for not it’s worth” so I chose a good price of $3 and made sure that it is fair enough for other’s to easily invest in and made sure it’s good for it’s worth especially for this game taking a year to make.