A bucket
A bucket poured on my head
A raincloud that will not go away
A crow, unforgiving
A burden lies deep within my heart
Hope, helping me through life
A helping hand pulling me up every day
A dove helping me fly
A will to live
I am a dream, coursing through your mind
I am a nightmare, hitting harder than sea against stone
I am a painting, filling you with colour and joy
I am a blank canvas, unimaginably plain
I am a summer day, refreshing and kind
I am a winter night, icy and cold
I am a helping hand, guiding you through life
I am an antagonist, controlling the game you call life
I am a kind friend, checking if you're okay
I am a burden, ruining your life by the second
I am you, a window emitting light into shade
But I am just a girl, trying to win an already-lost battle.
A battle of love, a battle of hate, a battle of life, a battle of death, a battle of hope, a battle of despair, a battle that I’ve won, a battle that I’ve lost, a battle that I love, a battle that I hate, a battle that I lived through, a battle that I died in, a battle that hands me hope, a battle that gives me despair.
There’s something there
It scares me
I wipe my frontal lobe clean
I peer into the darkness
The thing is gone
I am no longer afraid
What happened?
I was killed
I was saved
I was forgiven
I was betrayed
I died
I lived
I helped
I hindered
I fell
I arose
I killed
I saved
I forgave
I betrayed
Death is inevitable, but so is life.