17 days ago

My Style Of that Tv Adware from igbp

I decided to do this because people were making AU out of this fella

Not confirm to be Mr Puzzles younger half brother



Next up

Mario drank Ethan sprite

How Mr Puzzles could had died

Mr Puzzles Next trick

I'm sorry, he's too far goneā€¦ (15.ai)

Doubling down but every turn a different character is used (Doubling down BETADCIU) +FLP

What do you do in this situation?

Who took Mario's food?

Deleted scene from No TV makes Mario no okie dokie

Well, you got away into a safe room, this may not be the last time to see Mario.

GIVE ME 5 STARS!!! (Markov but Mr Puzzles and YaboiEthan [me] sing it) +FLP