2 years ago

My two favorite characters taking a peaceful day whilst "I Called Out Your Name" by Pat Hodges plays



Next up

C: “Do you too wonder what if nature simply fights back?”

H: “what? You mean like an ice age or an earthquake?”

C: “No, I mean if nature creates something greater than man…”

C: “What happens then?”

H: “…then God help us”

something I made when bored

Favorite spot in Xenoverse 2

You know Sonic the hedgehog? 😀

#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

“This ain’t your fight”

another drawing of this weird AU I have made lol

Sonic Heroes Movie Version!

His biggest fan


I did the funny meme everyone, and I made a cool design please let me go hom-

Something that I spent a few days on. Took a lot of inspiration from “The Super Saiyan” manga cover

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!

Boredom in math results in this