Five Night's At All Fazkey Restaurant

3 years ago




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TNAV 2 CLASSIC comes out today! My pixel art will be released in game for an update, but I still invite you to try this wonderful game!

here we go again...

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Announcement Trailer + Anniversary Devlog

Muy buenas gente! mi dia 14 de feb se esta acabando..asi que como ultima cosa les queria dar esto! inspirado en las cartas de la newsletter de UT&DELTARUNE !

Tienen que elegir solo 1 imagen de las marcadas en spoiler y sera dedicada a ti quizas..Y-

Bonus + Thank you for +4k views on Showstar!

Welcome to the All Fazkey Restaurant.

Never death

These are my favorite models I've made this year!!! I know these are the recent ones but yeah I love them a lot

With this the office is 98% finished.

you already know what's next, right? yep...