So like at 4:30 A.M., I woke up, for no reason, and just sort of stared at the clock for 10+ minutes straight


Then I open my phone, and my Teacher messaged us in our Group Chat about our Holy week schedule.


He sent it at 3:32 A.M. 3:32 AM!? I was the only person who saw it😭😭


Anyways back to the topic


So when I went in to the classroom, there was a suprise quiz. On Filipino. On the story "Ang ibong Adarna" Not only did I manage to score it correctly (without reading or knowing anything about the story) At the end of that session, we were scolded by the teacher at the other section because apparently, The boys of the other section were, Harrasing the other boys and sometimes THE GIRLS of our section. They were taking it on their advantage since they are seen as "the higher section" Eventually the teacher found out about what they did, and Sent 5 or them to the Guidance office for Punching my Best friend. And 3 more for Harrasing my childhood friend. I didn't even know they punched him he never told me. Somewhere in recess, the teachers of Both sections were there to monitor us. Making sure na walang nagaaway. And during that session, the boys were still Harrasing a few of the girls (Not sexually). We let it slide for this time but kept an eye on them and the girls to make sure they aren't being harrased. By our Science subject, we were given 4 quizes 4 QUIZES LIKE DAWG WHAT. Two were about Asexual and Sexual reproduction in plants, Another one for identifying the Reproductive organs of the flower, and one about Viruses and how they reproduce. Somehow I passed all of them so Ig it was my lucky day? Next one was English and DAWG. We are going to create another presentation 😭 Like dawg we jus finished presenting 1 week ago😭 Anyways uh during Math we played this game which made math a little more fun and easy. I'm not going to be explaining it since it is a bit long.💀


Anyways, also a few days ago one of our classmates have dropped out of school because of family problems. They said they were moving to the U.A.E.'s I think? Somewhere in Dubai? I can't really remember. And it also meant she needs to retake Grade 7 if she doesn't pass the entry exam. We were generaly confused and concerned about what is happening with her family but we wish her the best for her next school year in Dubai.







































































































































•To be honest, I generally feel better and less Depressed if I open up my day to you guys. Doing it just makes me feel generally better and it helps me get over my day.




If you see this, tag me in the comments. With a custard emoji. (🍮)



Next up


my friend


Scout because yes

"And so taking a risk another day, the great giant avoided disaster just a few moments away."

Posting this a day early bcuz it's my Birthday tomorrow and I might forget to 💀💀💀💀

Bro revived the Soviet union🔥🔥🔥

The watermark ruined the vibe😭



+Announcement in article.