The Sullivan Story: Treasure Island
6 years ago

Name Change + Quick Update

Hey everyone, just wanted to give a quick announcement about the series name change. From the results of the strawpoll, it seems that the series will now be renamed to “The Sullivan Story” meaning that this game and the sequel will have their name’s changed. However, this will only change the name, nothing will be different gameplay or story wise.
Now, a quick announcement:
The Concept Stage Is Finished:
After about another week of making concepts, I finally have everything sorted and set for the game, and boy, there’s a lot of interesting stuff going down behind the scenes ;)

Until Next Time,

  • Josh



Next up

New Game Icon

Just some gameplay screenshots to keep the hype train fueled ;)

Just Gonna Confirm This Now ;)

New blog post!


BOOM! Another blog post!

This is What NIGHTMARES are Made of...

Coming Soon...

Five Nights at Treasure Island: Origin Story Announcement!