Scene 1:
Rodríguez: Daniel, are you ok? I Heard you Scream and-
Daniel: yea yea im ok, don't worry Rodríguez...
Scene 2:
Rodríguez: are you sure you are ok?
Daniel: yea im ok, don't worry Buddy
Scene 3:
Rodríguez: are you really sure? You look SCARED of something...
Daniel: im ok rodriguez don't worry, i just had a bad dream
Scene 4:
Rodríguez: alright i Will trust you, remember we are always here if you need something.
Daniel: thx Rodríguez, bye *mind: good he didn't insist*
Scene 5:
Daniel: *mind: IS better for them to not know... I don't want them to worry abouth THAT zombie*
Scene 6:
Daniel: *mind: if they knew the horrores It can do... ... How much time It has past, from that day...*
Scene 7:
Daniel: *mind: surelly really long time...* *Sees pepper* *mind: well, maybe i should stop thinking abouth It, what matters IS that im with my Friends*
Scene 8:
Daniel: *mind: maybe one day...❤️*
Scene 9:
**In Daniel's POV**
Daniel: *mind: A, ene lore maitea, one day i Will conquere your HEART❤️*
Thx for reading :D
A few things he says are in euskadi so if you don't understand ask me to translate :D