23 days ago

Name: Pepsi Man

Universe: Pepsi Man Cinematic Universe (circa 1990-present)

Allegiance: Justice and Soda! (everything but Coca-cola, anyway)

Bio: Little is known about Pepsi Man’s true identity or his origins. What is known is his endless devotion to justice and his tumultuous passion for Pepsi. He fought against the forces of evil and Coke which lurked in the shadows of Carbonat City. Known for being a bit of a klutz, he often winds up in unfortunate situations, but he always pulls through with a swish of delicious soda. He operates out of the Pepsi Tower in the center of the city with his artificial intelligence assistant Fanta, armed with an arsenal of weapons of mass pepsification. His last known exploits were fighting alongside his new ally Mug the Root Beer Dog against the genius Dr. Pepper, a science who had fallen under the evil influence of Coke Man. Though his ego may be massive and his methods unorthodox and often questionable, Pepsi Man is a hero in his own right and ultimately fights for the safety of others.

Weapons: Various Pepsi-themed doohickies, including but not limited to a gun which uses Pepsi cans as ammo clips (changing the flavor changes what shots are fired), a giant Pepsi bottle bazooka, and Pepsi-can grenades which he shakes up and bursts. He also possesses incredible running and jumping speed and agility.

“Beware, cola-criminals, for the carbonated crusader is here! When the world needs hydration, salvation comes… in a can!”



Next up

Another rando wip.

Using Thunder Force IV instruments I borrowed from a friend. Will be finished at some point!

Also if you’re wondering why the world (or at least Furnace here) looks red, it’s because I changed my UI colors a bit out of boredom.

No. No. No nononononononono NO THIS IS BAD


The Cacodemon in Doom is one of my all time favorites. He looks a little out of place compared to the other hellspawn. Getting fireballed ain’t much fun though.

single and ready to mingle 👍

AI is clueless.

If this makes any sense to anyone, leave a like.

@rusty_the_raccoon reminded me I haven’t done a crappost dump in a while, here’s this

Imma be honest, this little thing has been really fun the last few months.

Of course, if we’re talking consoles I grew up playing, the Wii takes it.


This made me snort when I read this