6 months ago

Name: Retro

Universe: Mega Man universe (classic series, altered timeline)

Allegiance: The Greater Good

Bio: When a mysterious incident caused several gemstones of untold power to cause robots around the world to malfunction, Retro, a human, offered to be the one to stop the inevitable disaster. With assistance from Dr. Julius, a famed roboticist and Retro’s mentor, the Crescendo armor was created, giving Retro a powerful armored suit. The armor’s true ability was that it could harness the gemstones’ raw power into abilities thanks to its generation of opposing crystal frequencies to render their corrupting power useless. The hero defeated the enemy robots and stopped the gemstone plot, including fighting against Mega Man himself after the blue bomber was corrupted. However, after a battle against a “bad timeline” version of himself, Retro learned of the true value of good choices and from then on truly devoted himself to world peace. At the time of writing, Retro was searching for clues about the mysterious “Project Archangel” coalition, which contributed to the gemstone incident and was using their inter-dimensional travel research to slowly gain control over world governments across space and time.His current whereabouts are unknown.

Abilities: Buster based combat by default, can use collected gemstones to change his attack style and weapon abilities.

“That’s what I’m here for! I’ll help out if you need me.”



Next up

Who is this? Wrong answers only.


medic tf2

Break from the countdown for a bit, we just hit 400 followers! Shoutout to @SIDDqlo for being number 400.

Thanks for all your support everyone!

Too late, Unity, I’ve already switched to Godot. This is good news for other devs which use it though. Worth celebration for sure!

this sucker is now my most powerful party member (managed to do this with an ultra ball too! So now I have both legendary birds and still haven’t used the master ball)

Been trying to improve on my artstyle a little more.

Yeah, this doodle is of Retro, obviously lol

tf2 meme dump because yes

also if I stole your meme I can present a license for meme stealing so it’s legal

Love this new wallpaper.

haven’t posted many doodles lately. here’s retro if he was in streets of rage 2.

made a spicy little guitar tone using my Yamaha DX synth (which uses OPM/YM2151 sound).

Might use it in the future or something lol