Five Nights at Scarlett and Friends (NOT CURRENTLY DEVELOPED ON)
7 years ago

Nearly a Year Later

Hello everyone, its been a while!
Im going to be one hundred percent honest with you guys and i hope you understand :) . Im going to answer some questions i assume people are asking.

Is The Game Cancelled?
No, it is not cancelled.

Where are the teasers/posts?
I havent been working on the game (will explain later in this post)

When will the game come out?
Im hoping next year, but might be longer.

So those are the questions i assume you have been wondering, but now time to explain my absence.

Where have I been?
Well in January when i first announced the game, i was working SUPER hard on this game but kind of rushing it. I had some issues with the animatronics not working properly, and i got demotivated. I look back at the game and all I see now is a rushed product. I dont want to work on/release a rushed game. So I took an 11 month break (not intentionally.) Im now motivated to make the game better, then it ever would be. But it will take time. Im going to try and get some 3D modelled animatronics instead of Scarlett being a 2D image of combined animatronics from Scotts FNaF franchise. (I know fnaf 6 just released btw, thats why im motivated again.)

I hope you understand that i want this game to be as good as it can be :)

I will see you in my next teaser which should hopefully be a 3D Model of Scarlett or a different looking Scarlett :)


