25 days ago

Неупокоенная душа Клэр/Claire's Restless soul

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Адресована комьюнити Ф.Б.О./Addressed to the community F.P.E.

(Внимание, лучше читать это сообщение при включенном свете!/Attention, it is better to read this message with the light on!)

what if. all fan made FPE ocs

all against miss circle (tell me if u have FPE oc

( @togo91 ) feature pls:3 i have oreos

Concept comics

A woman

What was the logic?/В чём была логика?

@FwD test has been replaced with another one...

♡ Baphomet / FPE Art / Most Cred Goes To Kaaatie / Speedpaint! ♡

The Hungry Cook and Petunia/Голодный повар и Петунья


His favorite words/Его любимые слова:

Although I'm not a cannibal, but I "love" animals./Хотя я и не каннибал, но я "люблю" животных.