4 months ago

Never thought I’d have to make this post. Never wanted to make this post. Y’all know PumpkBro, a massive GD gamejolt creator, right? Yea he kinda said some rude ass shit. (Article)

So, pumpkbro invited me and a few others to a gc, right? Started off normal, right?

he asked if this Gc should become a roast battle GC, to which I said nah.

after that I stated I would roast him (jokingly.) when the time came to do so, I simply said “you’re a nice person” as a compliment. Basically, I was making it look like I was gonna roast him, but instead gave a compliment. Clever joke idea if you ask me.

then, he started roasting the everloving shit outa me. After I gave him a compliment. Started going all out. It was funny at first, but he got a bit too intense, not stopping even tho everyone was telling him to chill.

he then started roasting everyone else, to which nobody found funny. He just was being low-key unkind, and got mad at us for saying chill.

so uh yea. Sorry for minimal screenshots, but I do got people who have evidence. Witnesses. If you need more proof, ask them.




Next up

Omnomanmmahgsh ansnoshs nomnomnamsmhs

Ok I’m obsessed with these two

Chat this is M4L

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Here's a level I finished today, well the layout/basic general idea. The deco isn't final (if it was I'd scream LOL) it's there to provide context for the theming.

I am gonna be looking for deco artists for this level (paid.), if ur interested hmu!

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So uh, did this run last night. I did a 44-100 run prior to this and decided to go from here. I'm gonna try and do this to 100, if I can do this I can seriously start grinding from 0 for my first extreme demon/new hardest (again lol)


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The biggest simp in the history of Geometry Dash

Oooo they’re so gayyyy oooo they’ll spontaneously make out in the middle of a round ooooo

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